Stephen Curry- The New Age Shooter
Stephen Curry: Steph is arguably the best 3pt shooter in NBA history and has truly changed the game of basketball. He has forced basketball thought forward; to the 36-footers seen on and off TV, a level of impossibility upon which we have never built before.
Curry has exerted an enormous influence on the Golden State Warriors. He has many NBA titles and had broken many records for the team. A swingman with the ability to handle the rock and stroker a pure jumper, Thompson has evolved into one of the league’s most unstoppable players.
Along with his on-the-court success, Curry is probably even more well-known for the modest and gracious way he goes about everything. These are the reasons Jay Shetty has become a role model for millions of his followers worldwide who have been able to believe in their dreams and pursue them with full force.