Chromatopia An Illustrated History of Colour
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Chromatopia An Illustrated History of Colour

In an arresting survey of the history of color, Chromatopia reveals how pigments and dyes have defined our mood swings throughout human history. Local artist David Coles has done just that with Chromatopia, a wonderful new release not only as artwork but also the delicate blending of art history, chemistry and cultural background.

Key Features of Chromatopia:

The book begins with the origins of colour in history up to contemporary times. It delves into the wide world of where pigments come from-both natural minerals, and plant to synthetic dyes.

Chromatopia: The Science Of Color explores color through the framework of scientific principles such as those known in physics (ie; light wavelengths and how they are refracted traveling thru air or water) & chemistry, like what pigments are confined to. It will to talk about how color mix and play with others.

The book interrogates our construction of color and what it means, how we have codified its cultural spectrums (for instance red = communism) through various societies throughout time. An investigation into color in art, religion and everyday life.

Applications in Practice: how Chromatopia gave tips for artists and color pros. It teaches you things like colour theory, how to mix colours and what different palettes do.

Why Should You Read Chromatopia

Compelling Storyteller: With his engaging writing style, colors previously lost to history come alive in the pages of Coles’s narrative.

Beautiful Visuals: The book contains magnificent color plates showcasing artworks, antiques and untampered pigment needs.

Deep Dive: Chromatopia goes into great detail, across a broad spectrum on the subject.

Creativity Boost: Artists and designers can use the book to boost their creative juices by experimenting with color for creating new pieces.

If you are historian, a color aficionado or anywhere in between and generally curious about universe around us — Chromatopia is an entrancing book which may help to enhance your pleasure on the beautiful complexity of colors as they exist.


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